Blade Ball Script

Elevate your Blade Ball experience with powerful weapons and abilities! Unlock, upgrade, and customize your playstyle effortlessly using Blade Ball scripts. While some may resort to scripts for instant gains, our offers legitimate solutions without compromising the fun for other players. Whether you seek an auto party, redz hub, or bedol script, trust us for a seamless gaming experience. Discover the best scripts at our website and level up your Blade Ball adventure!

What Is Blade Ball Script? is an official website where you can get every Blade Ball script for free.

When you search for Blade Ball script on the internet, you might get a lot of websites claiming to have its working scripts. Unfortunately, the majority of sites have fake or outdated scripts.

Similar to Blade Ball codes, scripts stop working after a certain period. With that in mind, we check and verify every script daily so you don’t need to search the entire web for a working script.

The best thing about our website is all Blade Ball scripts provided on our website can be executed using all Roblox Executors.

If you wish to exploit Blade Ball on a Mobile device, using Arceus X Neo, Hydrogen and Delta Executor is highly recommended.

Roblox PC users, on the other hand, can use Krnl, Furk Ultra, and Script-Ware to run Blade Ball scripts.

Which Blade Ball Script Is The Best?

When you Google ‘Blade Ball Script’ on your browser, you will see plenty of scripts for this Roblox game but not all of them are worth using.

If you have just started playing this game on Roblox and are wondering which Blade Ball script to use right now, my answer is ‘Auto Parry’.

The web and YouTube are filled with BB scripts but what makes the gameplay a lot easier and entertaining is Auto Parry script.

We are recommending Blade Ball auto-parry script, it does not mean that other scripts are useless.

The other Blade ball scripts such as Bedol Hub, Redz Hub, Wizard Hub, Close Combat and others can make you undefeatable.

All Blade Ball Scripts (2024)

Irrespective of what website you visit to copy or download the Blade Ball script, you are asked to click on the ‘Download’ button.

Unfortunately, when you click on the Download button, you will be redirected to a website full of advertisements.

You will be redirected a couple of times before you get the desired script.

Unlike other websites, we don’t ask our readers to click on any link. You simply can get your favourite Blade Ball script by selecting and copying it here.

Here are all the latest Blade Ball scripts to run right now:

Auto Parry:


Close Combat:


Anti Cheat:


Wizard Hub:

_G.Setting = {
Main = {
["AutoParry"] = true,
["EnabeldFpsBoost"] = true,
-- Spam Parry
["SpamParry"] = true,
["SpamKey"] = "Z", -- hold Z to spam parry
-- Auto Play
["AutoPlay"] = true,
["SelectMode"] = "TP", -- TP , AI (test)
-- Show Part
["ShowPart"] = true,
["ColorPart"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 194, 36)

Inferno Hub:


Bedol Hub:

_G.UI_Size = 200

Lumin Head Loader


Auto Block Red Circle

-- Auto-Block With Red Circle:
-- Click "X" To Hit (for close battles)

Other Scripts





How to Use Blade Ball Script?

Before I walk you through the process of running and executing the Blade Ball script, let me tell you that the process of every script will be the same.

Regardless of whether you are using Auto Parry, Bedol Hub, Redz Hub, Wizard Hub or other Blade Ball scripts, you need to follow the same procedure.

Here’s a step-by-step guide explaining how to run the Blade Ball script:

  1. First, you need to download a Roblox Executor on your Mobile, PC and Mac.
  2. For Mobile, you can use either Arceus X, Hydrogen or Delta Executor. PC users can download Krnl and Furk Ultra.
  3. iOS users, on the other hand, can download and use Script-Ware.
  4. Once downloaded, go to the download folder on your respective device and then find the downloaded file.
  5. Once found, click on it to begin the installation process.
  6. After installing a Roblox Executor on your device, you need to launch the executor on your Mobile. (The process is a bit different for PC and Mac users)
  7. Here, we will use Delta Executor.
  8. After installing Delta Executor on your Mobile, launch it.
  9. After that, get the Delta key to access its GUI.
  10. Once you have got the key, search for Blade Ball and then tap on the Play button to load the game.
  11. Once the game is loaded, click on the Delta GUI.
  12. Now, paste the desired Blade Ball script into the Script Hub section and click on the ‘Execute’ button.
  13. When you do so, you will have the script executed.
  14. Now, enable the feature that you want to use.
  15. That’s it.

Is Running Blade Ball Script Safe?

Yes, running Blade Ball script is 100% safe for your device but it could get your Roblox account banned or suspended if caught exploiting the game.

If you download or copy the Blade Ball script from a random website, your device is most likely to be infected with viruses and malware.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an Official Website?

Yes, is an official website to download and copy Blade Ball script.

Is Blade Ball Free To Play?

Yes, Blade Ball is a free-to-play Roblox game. To play Blade Ball, you need to visit and then search for Blade Ball and then click on the Play button.

Can I Appeal the Ban in Blade Ball?

No, Blade Ball developers don’t allow players to appeal ban because they don’t allow players to exploit the game using scripts.

Do Blade Ball Scripts Need Key To Be Executed?

No, the majority of Blade Ball scripts can be executed without obtaining a key.

How to Download Blade Ball Script?

To download the Blade Ball script, visit its official website